Dear patient,

Welcome to the website MEDICASSE of :

Dr. Gunther Van Mulders, Dr. Tania Vermeulen, Dr. Niel Platteau and Dr. Noémie De Rop.

Covid Questions

You can find the answer to al your COVID-related questoins on the following website:

Here you can find how to make code for a PCR test in case of sickness, after a high risk contact or when you want to go on a voyage and where you can let the test be taken.

In case of a positive selftest, you can make a code for a PCR test via the following link: Formulier positieve zelftest (


Blood collection moment 1st friday of the month

Dear patients,

As you all know, every first Friday of the month somebody of the laboratory Medina is present from 7h45 until 8h30 to perform the blood collections in our practice. In the future you will first need to take an appointment, at the request of Lab Medina. You can make an appointment in the agenda ‘blood samples – bloedafnames’. Up to and including the month March will this be performed as an transition period, people without an appointment are still eligible for a blood collection. From April 1th we ask that everyone makes an appointment, this way the lab can estimate how many nurses, that collect the blood samples, are necessary at that time. Also don’t forget to bring a blood collection form provided with your mutualiteit sticker.


General message

Unfortunately, it often happens that a patient makes an appointment and then does not show up. Starting from 20/12/21, patients who do not show up for a consultation will be billed 27 euros. If you are unable to attend your appointment, please inform us at least 2 hours before the appointment. This way another patient can still be helped.



WE DON'T DO COVID-TESTS FOR TRAVELLERS!! The consultations are very busy at the moment. You can find a summary of all the testing locations (both in private and hospitallaboratories) on the following websites:!/saps of


All our appointments are on reservation. You can make an appointment via our site or by calling our secretariat.

  • Bring your IDcard/ISI-pluscard with you.
  • Wear a face mask which covers your nose and mouth.
  • If possible, pay by card.

You can still contact us at our usual address:

Dr. Van Mulders : Brusselsesteenweg 152 at 1730 Asse

Dr. Vermeulen, Dr Platteau and Dr De Rop: Brusselsesteenweg 29 at 1730 Asse

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