All doctors within "Medicasse"  respect the official rates imposed by the RIZIV


If for some reason you cannot pay cash or prefer to pay electronically, you can also pay with your bank card or payconiq.   ( no VISA ! )

Consultation :   see website section "Consultation".

Home visit :   see website section "Home visit".

Urgencies :   see website section "Urgencies".

Telephone advice :

Long and frequent telephone calls during an appointment are very disturbing.

For short telephone advice or to request results, please call (is following ) or as agreed with your doctor.

Very urgent questions will be answered immediately if possible.

For longer discussions please make an appointment at the doctor's cabinet.

Certificates and prescriptions:

For the completion of certificates and documents, time, mutual consultation, information and sometimes physical examination are required. That is why you need to come for a consultation.

Your doctor can only write certificates that are in accordance with the truth!  Therefore, do not make it difficult: only ask what you think is reasonable, consistent with the truth and justified. False certificates will always be refused.

Your doctor will always prescribe sufficient medication for a period of time until the next appointment. Always check your medication before you come to your appointment. This means that you do not need to call and collect prescriptions in between two consultations. Moreover, this disturbs the course of the consultation for others.